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Immunology made easy!


eye.gnos consulting offers service and management support in the area of immunology for all aspects of preclinical and clinical development activities. Based on many years as academic researcher with top publications in the field of immunology and on many years of leadership and global management of projects in leading big-pharma companies and as consultant, we offer an unprecedented addition to achieve your goals in inflammatory / autoimmune indications like multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis / crohns disease), rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and other skin diseases.

Ophthalmology at your fingertip!


eye.gnos consulting offers service and management support in the area of ophthalmology for all aspects of preclinical and clinical development activities. Based on extensive clinical ophthalmology experience and on many years of leadership and global management of ophthalmology projects in leading big-pharma companies and as consultant, we offer an unprecedented addition to achieve your goals in ophthalmic indications.

eye.gnos also offerst world-class expertise in retinal image analysis for reserach and clinical development.

News & Publications


eyegnos consulting welcomes a leading retina and uveitis specialist. Ass.Prof. Marion R. Munk, MD, PhD, FEBO joins the team as managing Director. Marion brings more thana decade of expertise in clinical ophthalmology and clinica trials / image analysis. She is author of more than 250 publications and a renowed global expert.




New addition of consulting service in immunology! As a trained immunologist with more than a decade of academic research background and big-pharma development expertise in several inflammatory / autoimmune diseases, Dr. Rückert offers expertise and support from first in man to late stage development.




Official start of eye.gnos consulting - we offer our service to the ophthalmology community for all aspect of preclinical and clinical drug development, regulatory support, prelaunch and launch activities, medical affairs and marketing.



Launch of eye.gnos consulting as new service and successor of consulting, a scientific consulting, graphic and design company, which was founded by Dr. Rückert in 2002. eye.gnos focusses on all aspects of global pharma activities in ophthalmology from preclinical to clinical development, regulatory interaction, prelaunch- and launch support, BD&L, marketing and medical affairs service in ophthalmology.

Our Service
Professional Support. From A-Z:
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